{be careful how you use these) Take three cords or strings of various, pleasing
pastel colors- perhaps pink, red, and green- and braid them tightly together. Firmly tie a knot near one end of the
braid, thinking of your need for love.
Next, tie another knot, and another, until you have tied seven knots.
Wear or carry the cord with you until you find your love.
After that, keep the cord in a safe place, or give to
one of the elements- burn and scatter the ashes in the ocean or in a stream.
Use a red piece of paper. Purify and consecrate it by use of the four elements. Prepare
the altar using red candles. Burn one sheet of paper previously rubbed with essence of lavender and rose. As the paper
burns, thoughts and emotions of the one who is making the spell must be raised to a high pitch. Persons name must be
written on red paper and the wish to bind to bring love to a person.
Light a red candle and chant while it burns:
this candle is red (name) is now being led by (Witch's name) witching fire toward warmth and desire.
For s/he
will become Together as two, then be as one Under the stars, moon and sun Soon, soon, soon.
As I will, so
mote it be!"
Let the candle burn an inch for one month, two inches for two months, etc.
Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating only on changing
the eye color. Any other distractions must be cleared from the mind. Now fill you mind with the color your eyes are right
now, naturally. Now see that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it overpower your
natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light from inside your mind, out through your eyes.
your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them. (This process should take at least 15 minutes the first
few times and you will have to repeat it after a while. Glamour fades as you "forget".)
Upon opening your eyes,
you may or may not be able to see the change in the mirror.
Light a green candle. Let it burn for five minutes, then extinguish the flame. Rub
your hands in the smoke and imagine money coming to you.
Put some brown sugar in a bowl, set a brown candle in the center, light it and let
it burn down. Next morning take the contents of the bowl (sugar and wax) and place it on the doorstep of your enemy. As
he steps over it, he will feel the thought you were sending to him as the candle burned.
Invisibility is a term that is easily misunderstood. No, you cannot make a magical
potion that you drink and –poof- you become invisible. Sorry, but this spell will make you seem invisible to people.
Sometimes its nice if you don't want attention or if you just want to be left alone. If you want to be invisible
to others, that is people will look right past you like you aren't there, try this. Close your eyes and imagine a sphere
of white light around you. Then imagine that the light starts to get blurry. It then takes on the colors and shapes
of the environment around you. You fade into the light, becoming a part of it, until you completely disappear into the
camouflage of the circle of light around you.
To help you get a clearer view of your past lives, cast this spell on the day of a
new moon. Repeat it once each week for a month. Take a small white onion and soak it in a bowl of mineral water for half
an hour. Then dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth.
Meditate for a few minutes while you hold the onion in your
hands. Then peel off the first and second layer while repeating:
"Memories of the distant past, come forward
into the light."
Place the layers you have peeled off into a plastic bag. Put that under your bed and keep the
rest of the onion in the fridge to use next time.
When the moon is waxing and love is in the air, take a photograph of the man or woman
from whom you desire affections and place it face up in a small pink box (an empty heart-shaped box is perfect). Then
cover it with the herb known as Ladies Thumb. Cover the box and bury it outside next to the front entrance of your
home to draw your beloved to you.
Draw what type of body you want on a piece of paper. Hold the picture in front of a mirror and chant
these words 10 times for 3 days in a row to get desired body type.
My Body isn't Desirable. It's not attractive. I wish for my body to change into this.
You may use this only three times in between the new moons.
While gazing at
the moon, repeat the following:
Moon, moon, beautiful moon, brighter then any star Goddess of light and love, Diana If
it might be, pray bring fortune unto me.
A sign that the spell worked would be coins doubling in the purse or pocket,
or seeing a hare before dawn. Note: the spell won't work if done with evil intent.
Take a handful of earth and gaze into it. Put all your troubles and thoughts of
distress into it. State exactly what it is that's troubling you. When finished, throw the dirt behind you and walk away
without turning around to look at it.